About Our Company

About Our Company

Taj AlAhmady is a general trading company. We provide foreign companies present in Iraq with all the life support equipment they require.

About Us

Our Services

Our company provides services that require a strong knowledge of the local and international markets, within the appropriate time and with high quality.

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Our Partners

We maintain a strong relationship with our clients around the world through our network of offices around the world (USA, UAE). We put our partners and their needs first and in doing so we develop our reputation of reliability and performance.

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What We Do

Procurement & Logistics Services

We provide foreign companies present in Iraq with all the logistic support equipment they require.

Shipment Management

We ensure your shipments are on time and with the best prices.

Business Solutions

We provide you with the best solutions for your business.

Have a Large Project?

We provide what you want with the best prices, to ensure your business success contact us.


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